cuốn sách gpt4 ai đã làm

c – Tìm nghiệm (x,y) của phương trình

In lại Tác giả: Vũ trụ không gian 更新时间:2023-11-04 04:13:55 30 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike



在许多解决方案的情况下,该函数采用所有解决方案中 |x-y| 的较大绝对值。如果只有一种解决方案,它会打印出来。例如:

  • 如果用户输入 k=34,(x,y) 有两种解决方案:(3,5)(8,2)。因此,程序计算 |8-2||3-5| 有两个解,取较大的一个,6。

  • 例如,如果用户输入 k=8,则只有一个解决方案,(1,1).

可悲的是,我的老师要求我只使用循环、nếu nhưkhác 语句。没有递归,没有辅助函数,也没有数组。她还希望程序高效,这样我就不能在循环中使用循环。

我尝试编写代码,但程序没有响应。我定义了 counter 来计算方程的可能解的数量和 khoảng cách 较大的绝对值:

void check_how_many_solutions(int n) {
int y = 0, counter = 0, distance = 0, equation1 = 0, equation2 = 0, equation3 = 0;
while (equation3 <= n) {
equation1 = (n - (5 * y)) / 3;
equation2 = (n - (3 * equation1)) / 5;
equation3 = (3 * equation1) + (5 * equation2);
if (equation3 == n) {
bộ đếm++;
if (fabs(equation1 - equation2) > distance)
distance = fabs(equation1 - equation2);
if (counter > 1)
printf("The values of x and y are (%d,%d)\n", equation1, equation2);
printf("The greater absolute value of |x-y| is %d\n", distance);


câu trả lời hay nhất

这是我制作的一个程序,我相信它可以回答您提出的问题。您只想遍历 x 的整数值并检查计算出的 y 是否也是整数。我还跟踪找到的解决方案总数以及 x 和 y 之间距离最大的解决方案,并根据这些给出最终答案。


void count_solns(double);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc == 2 && argv[1]) {
int k = atoi(argv[1]);
khác {
puts("Usage: count_solns ");
return 1;
return 0;

void count_solns(double k)
printf("Print positive integer solutions to 3x + 5y = %.3f\n", k);
int solns_found = 0;
int distance = -1;
int final_x, final_y;
gấp đôi x, y;
for (x = 0; x <= (k/3); x++) {
y = (k-3*x)/5;
if (y == floor(y)) {
printf("Solution found at (x, y) == (%d, %d)\n", (int) x, (int) y);
if (fabs(x-y) > distance) {
final_x = x;
final_y = y;
if (solns_found == 0)
printf("No whole number solutions found for 3x + 5y = %.3f", k);
else if (solns_found == 1)
puts("This is the only solution where x and y are both whole numbers");
printf("The whole number solution with the highest distance between x and y is (x, y) == (%d, %d)", final_x, final_y);


$ ./count_solns 70
Print positive integer solutions to 3x + 5y = 70.000
Solution found at (x, y) == (0, 14)
Solution found at (x, y) == (5, 11)
Solution found at (x, y) == (10, 8)
Solution found at (x, y) == (15, 5)
Solution found at (x, y) == (20, 2)
The solution with the highest distance between x and y is (x, y) == (20, 2)

关于c - 找到方程的 (x,y) 解,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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