sách gpt4 ai đã đi

Rxjava2 cách trả về kết quả một cách ngắn gọn từ Node trước đó đến Node tiếp theo trong chuỗi

In lại 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-04 00:07:16 34 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike


// maybe a list about photo url in SDCard
// make list to single and upload to server,
// use retrofit observable
.map(uploadResponse -> {
// *Problem of point
// in this map I want to get this single photo url in SDCard
// and some info from uploadResponse,how to do in
// *Problem of point of previous map?


1 Câu trả lời


(async () => {
const foo = await fooPromise;
const bar = await getBarPromise(foo);
const baz = await getBazPromise(bar);

I use nodejs's version6 on firebase,it not support await.

自从 Node 4 中生成器出现以来,async..await 背后的模式就被广泛使用。同样的事情可以使用 co 来实现,这是最著名的实现:

const co = require('co');

co(function * () {
const foo = yield fooPromise;
const bar = yield getBarPromise(foo);
const baz = yield getBazPromise(bar);

由于 không đồng bộ 函数是 Promise 的语法糖,因此 không đồng bộ 函数所做的一切都可以单独用 Promise 重写。

假设有一个稍后可能需要的值(đồ ăn):

.then(foo => getBarPromise(foo))
.then(bar => getBazPromise(bar))
.then(baz => {
// foo and baz are needed here


.then(foo => {
return getBarPromise(foo).then(bar => ({ foo, bar }));
.then(({ foo, bar }) => {
return getBazPromise(bar).then(baz => ({ foo, baz }));
.then(({ foo, baz }) => {
// foo and baz are destructured from the result

或者 Promise 应该嵌套,以便 đồ ăn 在当前函数作用域内可用:

.then(foo => {
return getBarPromise(foo)
.then(bar => getBazPromise(bar))
.then(baz => {
// foo and baz are available here

相同的方法适用于其他 API 和语言。例如,RxJS:

.flatMap(foo => Observable.zip(
.map(([foo, bar]) => {
// foo and bar are destructured from the result

关于node.js - Rxjava2如何简洁地将结果从前一个 Node 返回到链中的下一个 Node ,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51687404/

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