我在一个表中有许多空间实体,其中有一个名为 Boundaries
của geometry
字段。我想生成一个具有简化形状/几何图形的 GeoJson 文件。
var entities = await db.Entities.ToListAsync();
dynamic geoJson = new ExpandoObject();
geoJson.type = "FeatureCollection";
var features = new List();
foreach (var entity in entities)
// simplify (uses SqlGeometry.Reduce)
var simplified = Utilities.Geo.Simplify(entity.Boundaries, tolerance);
// convert to GeoJSON4EntityFramework.Feature with the appropriate Id
var feature = Utilities.Geo.GetFeature(simplified, entity.Id);
geoJson.features = features;
return geoJson;
第二种尝试是先组合实体,然后简化,然后输出为 GeoJson:
var entities = await db.Entities.ToListAsync();
// bit of a hack to union all the boundaries
DbGeometry allBoundaries = null;
for (var i = 0; i < entities.Count; i++)
if (i == 0) allBoundaries = entities[i].Boundaries;
else allBoundaries = allBoundaries.Union(entities[i].Boundaries);
// simplify (uses SqlGeometry.Reduce)
var simplified = Utilities.Geo.Simplify(allBoundaries, tolerance);
dynamic geoJson = new ExpandoObject();
geoJson.type = "FeatureCollection";
var features = new List();
// convert to GeoJSON4EntityFramework.Feature with the (in)appropriate Id
var feature = Utilities.Geo.GetFeature(simplified, "ALL");
geoJson.features = features;
return geoJson;
然而,尽管 said here 是什么,.Union
将实体合并为一个实体。这不会发生。 (然后我也没有机会在每个功能上放置一个 Id,所以现在只使用“ALL”)。结果是完全合并的形状:
所以问题是:我如何跨行组合边界,然后简化,然后生成一个特征集合,每个特征都有正确的 Id,可以在 MapShaper 中完成(如下所示)?
看起来这在 SQL Server 中是不可能的。
SQL Server 不支持拓扑。
biên tập
我正在处理下面的代码,它将多边形(不是多边形)转换为线串,合并线串以有效地获得拓扑层,然后对其进行简化。它工作得很好,但困难不在于将多线串转换为多面体,这可能需要 tool like this .
geometry::STGeomFromText(replace(replace(e1.boundaries.STAsText(), 'POLYGON (', 'LINESTRING '), '))', ')'), 4326)
.STUnion(geometry::STGeomFromText(replace(replace(e2.boundaries.STAsText(), 'POLYGON (', 'LINESTRING '), '))', ')'), 4326))
.STUnion(geometry::STGeomFromText(replace(replace(e3.boundaries.STAsText(), 'POLYGON (', 'LINESTRING '), '))', ')'), 4326))
from entities e1
cross join entities e2
cross join entities e3
where e1.code = 'dc7'
and e2.code = 'dc6'
and e3.code = 'dc8'
biên tập
使用 NetTopologySuite,可以做到。我有 written it up here .sử dụng Polygonizer
Tôi là một lập trình viên xuất sắc, rất giỏi!