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Thuật toán - Các bước dịch chuyển của Thuật toán Marching Squares

In lại Tác giả: Taklimakan 更新时间:2023-11-03 06:12:21 29 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

我目前正在实现 Marching Squares用于计算等高线曲线,我对此处提到的位移位的使用有疑问

Compose the 4 bits at the corners of the cell to build a binary index: walk around the cell in a clockwise direction appending the bit to the index, using bitwise OR and left-shift, from most significant bit at the top left, to least significant bit at the bottom left. The resulting 4-bit index can have 16 possible values in the range 0–15.

我将高度数据放置在指定 (x,y) 处每个顶点的角上。然后,我通过执行检查以查看此高度数据是大于还是小于指定的等值(例如轮廓水平),将此高度数据转换为 0 和 1。现在顶点不是 0 就是 1。下一步即通过顺时针方向遍历计算 4 位索引的目的是什么?

câu trả lời hay nhất


您完全可以改用四个嵌套的 if/then/else 语句。

关于algorithm - Marching Squares Algorithm 的位移步骤,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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