cuốn sách gpt4 ai đã làm

thuật toán - Thời gian đa thức: Thuật toán chấp nhận và quyết định

In lại Tác giả: Taklimakan 更新时间:2023-11-03 04:18:48 28 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

我似乎无法区分接受算法和决策算法,尽管我觉得我确实理解这个概念。我目前正在阅读“算法简介”(Cormen),并且在 NP-Completeness 一章之后遇到问题,因为它指出

"For other Problems, such as Turing's Halting Problem, there exists an accepting algorithm, but no decision algorithm exists".


"P= {L from {0,1}*: there exists an algorithm A that decides L in polynomial time}


P={L:L is accepted by a polynomial time algorithm}, starting with

"Because the class of languages decided by a polynomial-time algorithms, we need only show that if L is accepted by a polynomial-time algorithm, it is decided by a polynomial-time algorithm.".

然后我们继续构建接受算法的模拟,该算法额外检查接受算法的行为,如果前一个算法接受输入则输出 1,否则输出 0。


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