- iOS/Objective-C 元类和类别
- objective-c - -1001 错误,当 NSURLSession 通过 httpproxy 和/etc/hosts
- java - 使用网络类获取 url 地址
- ios - 推送通知中不播放声音
你看,有很多主题与 android 警告相关:
W/InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub...
我正在开发一个微调器组件,第一个项目名为 Add new... 会触发一个对话框以将另一个项目添加到列表中。因为我目前有两个这样的微调器(在一个 Activity 中),所以我为微调器创建了一个包装类,它负责处理逻辑,并且我创建了类,它扩展了 DialogFragment
触发类似的对话框, 只是不同的标题。
但在 View 中,只有第一个微调器起作用。第二个旋转器,当choosig选项添加新的... 时,什么也不做,只会产生上面写的警告。
Đúng KegAddActivity extends AppCompatActivity
public class ExtendableSpinner implements AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener, View.OnTouchListener {
private static final int ADD_NEW_ID = -1;
private final Spinner _mSpinner;
private final String _mTableName;
private final int _mAddNewTitle;
private final MatrixCursor _mAddOptionsCursor;
private Uri _mAdapterUri;
private SimpleCursorAdapter _mAdapter;
private boolean _mWasTouched;
public ExtendableSpinner(Spinner spinner, String tableName, int addNewTitle) {
_mSpinner = spinner;
_mTableName = tableName;
_mAdapterUri = BeerBookUriHandler.getUri(tableName);
_mAddNewTitle = addNewTitle;
_mAddOptionsCursor = new MatrixCursor(new String[]{Table.COL_ID, BeerTable.COL_NAME});
_mAddOptionsCursor.addRow(new String[]{"" + ADD_NEW_ID, getString(addNewTitle) + '\u2026'});
public void setAdapterUri(Uri uri) {
_mAdapterUri = uri;
@Ghi đè
public boolean onTouch(View v, sự kiện MotionEvent) {
_mWasTouched = true;
trả về false;
@Ghi đè
public void onItemSelected(AdapterView> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
if (_mWasTouched) {
// event fired by user
if (id == ADD_NEW_ID) {
Bundle args = new Bundle();
args.putInt(AddNewDialogFragment.TITLE, _mAddNewTitle);
_mAddNewDialogFragment = new AddNewDialogFragment();
_mAddNewDialogFragment.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), _mTableName + "AddNewDialog");
} khác {
// event fired at activity start
int selection = 0;
if (_mAdapter.getCount() > 1) {
selection = 1;
Uri uri = BeerBookUriHandler.getUri(KegTable.NAME + "/last");
Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(uri, new String[]{
_mTableName + "." + Table.COL_ID
}, null, null, null);
if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) {
long lastUsedId = cursor.getLong(0);
selection = getPositionForId(lastUsedId);
@Ghi đè
public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView> parent) {
public void populate() {
Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(_mAdapterUri,
BEER_PROJECTION, null, null, BeerTable.COL_NAME);
Cursor extendedCursor = new MergeCursor(new Cursor[]{ _mAddOptionsCursor, cursor});
_mAdapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(getApplicationContext(),
SPINNER_LAYOUT, extendedCursor, new String[] { BeerTable.COL_NAME },
new int[] {android.R.id.text1}, 0);
public int getPositionForId(long itemId) {
int pos = 0;
for(int i = 1, l = _mAdapter.getCount(); i < l; i++)
if (itemId == _mAdapter.getItemId(i)) {
pos = i;
phá vỡ;
return pos;
public long getSelectedId() {
return _mSpinner.getSelectedItemId();
public void setSelectionById(long id) {
hiện hữuonCreate()
protected void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) {
final Spinner beerSpinner = (Spinner) findViewById(R.id.keg_add_beer);
_mBeerSpinner = new ExtendableSpinner(beerSpinner, BeerTable.NAME, R.string.beer_add);
// initially disable, wait for brewery selection
final Spinner brewerySpinner = (Spinner) findViewById(R.id.keg_add_brewery);
_mBrewerySpinner = new ExtendableSpinner(brewerySpinner, BreweryTable.NAME, R.string.brewery_add) {
@Ghi đè
public void onItemSelected(AdapterView> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
super.onItemSelected(parent, view, position, id);
if (id > 0) {
// brewery selected, populate beerSpinner
Uri uri = BeerBookUriHandler.getUri(BreweryTable.NAME + "/" +
getSelectedId() + "/" + BeerTable.NAME);
因为第一个微调器工作而第二个微调器不工作并且它们非常相似,我认为微调器以某种方式并发聚焦,但我真的不知道。我试过替换 DialogFragment
每个微调器都有单独的 Activity ,并且 onItemSelected
旋转器的事件然后称为 startActivityForResult()
幸运的是,我找到了 constellation 它起作用的地方,然后能够找出它不起作用的原因。
nếu như Add new... 的项目当前在微调器中被选中,则再次选择 Add new... 项目会产生 ignoring focus gain
警告。但是,如果您在微调器中选择其他一些项目,然后选择添加新...,它就会起作用。问题是,如果微调器中没有其他项目,则无法执行此类重新选择。好像是 onItemSelected
如果您选择一个已选择的选项,则不会传播事件。但这是个大问题,因为用户可以在 AddNewDialog
处点击取消返回主视图,然后 Add new... 将保持选中状态并且可能是唯一的选项,因此无法打开 AddNewDialog
如何使其工作的解决方案是添加另一个默认项,例如从列表中选择... 项,如果用户取消对话框,则将微调器重新选择为默认选项。我会测试它并保持这篇文章的更新。
如果您选择 Spinner
事件未传播并且W/InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain
自 Spinner
不支持 onItemClick
事件,我发现唯一可行的解决方法是定义一个默认选项从列表中选择... 如果用户取消 AddNewDialog
监听器将微调器重置为默认的 Choose from... 项目,因此在点击 Add new... 后,选择发生变化并且事件被传播。
1 Câu trả lời
我们遇到了同样的问题,并确定解决这个问题的唯一方法是创建一个调用 onItemSelected()
的自定义 Spinner,即使选择了相同的项目也是如此:
public class CustomSpinner extends Spinner {
public CustomSpinner(Context contextArg){
public CustomSpinner(Context contextArg, AttributeSet attributeSetArg){
super(contextArg, attributeSetArg);
public CustomSpinner(Context contextArg, AttributeSet attributeSetArg, int styleArg){
super(contextArg, attributeSetArg, styleArg);
@Ghi đè
public void setSelection(int positionArg){
boolean samePosition = positionArg == getSelectedItemPosition();
super.setSelection(positionArg, false);
// here we modifiy the Spinner's default behavior
// we dispatch the event, even if the position is the same
OnItemSelectedListener onItemSelectedListener = getOnItemSelectedListener();
if(onItemSelectedListener != null){
@Ghi đè
public void setSelection(int positionArg, boolean animateArg){
boolean samePosition = positionArg == getSelectedItemPosition();
super.setSelection(positionArg, animateArg);
// here we modifiy the Spinner's default behavior
// we dispatch the event, even if the position is the same
OnItemSelectedListener onItemSelectedListener = getOnItemSelectedListener();
if(onItemSelectedListener != null){
关于Android 警告 : Window already focused, 忽略焦点增益,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33986258/
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当我尝试使用 PHP 的 ftp_put 函数上传文件时,早些时候出现错误: 警告:ftp_put() [function.ftp-put]:无数据连接 现在,我尝试开启被动模式: ftp_pasv(
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Tôi là một lập trình viên xuất sắc, rất giỏi!