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C++:严格别名与 union 滥用

In lại 作者:可可西里 更新时间:2023-11-01 15:24:27 26 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

提前为第一个可能很愚蠢的帖子道歉。虽然有很多关于这个主题的 Material ,但其中很少有是确定的和/或对我来说可以理解的。

Tôi có một cái AlignedArray 模板类,可以在堆上以任意对齐方式动态分配内存(AVX 汇编例程需要 32 字节对齐)。这需要一些丑陋的指针操作。

Agner Fog 在 cppexamples.zip 中提供了一个示例类,它滥用 union 来实现这一点 (../../../optimize/optimization_manuals.zip)。但是,我知道写入 union 的一个成员然后从另一个成员读取会导致 UB。

AFAICT 将任何指针类型别名为 char * 是安全的,但只能在一个方向上。这是我的理解变得模糊的地方。这是我的 AlignedArray 的简化版本类(本质上是对 Agner 的重写,以帮助我理解):

class AlignedArray
size_t m_size;
char * m_unaligned;
T * m_aligned;

công cộng:
AlignedArray (size_t const size)
: m_size(0)
, m_unaligned(0)
, m_aligned(0)

~AlignedArray ()

T const & operator [] (size_t const i) const { return m_aligned[i]; }

T & operator [] (size_t const i) { return m_aligned[i]; }

size_t const size () { return m_size; }

void size (size_t const size)
if (size > 0)
if (size != m_size)
char * unaligned = 0;
unaligned = new char [size * sizeof(T) + alignment - 1];
if (unaligned)
// Agner:
union {
char * c;
T * t;
size_t s;
} aligned;
aligned.c = unaligned + alignment - 1;
aligned.s &= ~(alignment - 1);

// Me:
T * aligned = reinterpret_cast((reinterpret_cast(unaligned) + alignment - 1) & ~(alignment - 1));

if (m_unaligned)
// Agner:
//memcpy(aligned.c, m_aligned, std::min(size, m_size));

// Me:
memcpy(aligned, m_aligned, std::min(size, m_size));

delete [] m_unaligned;
m_size = size;
m_unaligned = unaligned;

// Agner:
//m_aligned = aligned.t;

// Me:
m_aligned = aligned;
if (m_unaligned)
delete [] m_unaligned;
m_size = 0;
m_unaligned = 0;
m_aligned = 0;


1 Câu trả lời

我有实现(替换)mới 的代码和 xóa bỏ运营商,适用于 SIMD(即 SSE/AVX)。它使用以下您可能会觉得有用的函数:

static inline void *G0__SIMD_malloc (size_t size)
constexpr size_t align = G0_SIMD_ALIGN;
void *ptr, *uptr;

static_assert(G0_SIMD_ALIGN >= sizeof(void *),
"insufficient alignment for pointer storage");

static_assert((G0_SIMD_ALIGN & (G0_SIMD_ALIGN - 1)) == 0,
"G0_SIMD_ALIGN value must be a power of (2)");

size += align; // raw pointer storage with alignment padding.

if ((uptr = malloc(size)) == nullptr)
return nullptr;

// size_t addr = reinterpret_cast(uptr);
uintptr_t addr = reinterpret_cast(uptr);

ptr = reinterpret_cast
((addr + align) & ~(align - 1));

*(reinterpret_cast(ptr) - 1) = uptr; // (raw ptr)

return ptr;

static inline void G0__SIMD_free (void *ptr)
if (ptr != nullptr)
free(*(reinterpret_cast(ptr) - 1)); // (raw ptr)

这应该很容易适应。显然你会替换 trung tâmmiễn phí ,因为您使用的是全局 mớixóa bỏ用于原始(char)存储。它假设 size_t对于地址运算来说足够宽——在实践中是正确的,但是uintptr_tTừ 会更正确。

关于C++:严格别名与 union 滥用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15274895/

26 4 0
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