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windows - Windows 管理员和 Windows 系统用户有什么区别

In lại 作者:可可西里 更新时间:2023-11-01 13:51:09 31 4
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有些时候,我必须将 cmd 窗口提升到系统权限才能删除一些文件。这可能是因为系统用户锁定了文件,或者系统用户可能具有更高的访问权限,我希望找出是否存在权限差异。

1 Câu trả lời

Từ Microsoft KB :

The system account and the administrator account (Administrators group) have the same file privileges, but they have different functions. The system account is used by the operating system and by services that run under Windows. There are many services and processes within Windows that need the capability to log on internally (for example during a Windows installation). The system account was designed for that purpose; it is an internal account, does not show up in User Manager, cannot be added to any groups, and cannot have user rights assigned to it. On the other hand, the system account does show up on an NTFS volume in File Manager in the Permissions portion of the Security menu. By default, the system account is granted full control to all files on an NTFS volume. Here the system account has the same functional privileges as the administrator account.

关于windows - Windows 管理员和 Windows 系统用户有什么区别,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14507439/

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