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PHP cli 不使用本地路径(突然)

In lại 作者:可可西里 更新时间:2023-11-01 12:17:11 29 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

几个小时后,从控制台发出的 PHP 命令不再接受本地路径。例如在 laravel 中我总是给出命令

php artisan


Status: 404 Not Found
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

No input file specified

但如果我尝试 php ./artisan,它会起作用。

服务器配置了WHM/cPanel,最奇怪的是,什么都没有改变,昨天一切正常。此外,具有 Content-type 的行在今天之前没有出现。

1 Câu trả lời

这里我有几个小时前解决这个问题的 cPanel 团队的回复(以及解决方案)。

Thanks for your patience while I corrected this issue. This was occurring due to an update in the ea-php-cli package which occurred last night which conflicted with another case EA-4753 in which the include_path was set incorrectly and the issue wasn't visible until the update of ea-php-cli last night.

I've corrected your issue and have filed case EA-5106 so that our developers ensure that EA4 doesn't allow for this to occur again. The current workaround is to go to Home »Software »Editor INI MultiPHP, select the version of php, scroll down to include_path and then added .:/path/to/php/pear as opposed to .;/path/to/php/pear which has corrected your issue.

编辑:我们还降级了 ea-php-cli 包,因为在这个版本中存在多个问题(例如,当您执行“php artisan”(或任何其他 php 文件)命令时,它会打印标题), 所以命令是:

yum downgrade ea-php-cli-0.0.6-3.3.1


yum versionlock add ea-php-cli


yum versionlock delete ea-php-cli
yum upgrade ea-php-cli

关于PHP cli 不使用本地路径(突然),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39119651/

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