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mongodb - 对数组中的不同对象值进行分组?

In lại 作者:可可西里 更新时间:2023-11-01 10:00:24 hai mươi bốn 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

需要 MongoDB 查询/聚合:如果我有一个数组,我如何根据数组中的不同值对文档进行分组?示例:


> db.respondents.insert({person: 1, responses: [{question: 'How old are you?', response: '18-40 yrs'}, {question: 'What is the brand of your car?', response: 'Fiat'} ] } )
> db.respondents.insert({person: 2, responses: [{question: 'How old are you?', response: '18-40 yrs'}, {question: 'What is the brand of your car?', response: 'Volvo'} ] } )
> db.respondents.insert({person: 3, responses: [{question: 'How old are you?', response: '41-65 yrs'}, {question: 'What is the brand of your car?', response: 'Volvo'} ] } )
> db.respondents.insert({person: 4, responses: [{question: 'How old are you?', response: '41-65 yrs'}, {question: 'What is the brand of your car?', response: 'Volvo'} ] } )



“18-40 岁”年龄段的 1 人回答“菲亚特”问题“您的汽车是什么品牌?”

“18-40 岁”年龄段的 1 人回答“沃尔沃”问题“您的汽车是什么品牌?”

“41-65 岁”年龄段的 2 人回答“沃尔沃”问题“你的车是什么牌子的?”


  • 有超过 100.000 名受访者
  • 每个受访者大约有 30 个“回复”
  • 使用 MongoDb 3.0.9


1 Câu trả lời

遗憾的是您没有 MongoDB 3.2,因为像 $arrayElemAt 这样的运算符和 $filter使用单个 $group 使这个过程变得简单阶段:

{ "$match": {
"responses.question": {
"$all": [
"How old are you?",
"What is the brand of your car?"
{ "$group": {
"_id": {
"age": {
"$arrayElemAt": [
{ "$map": {
"input": { "$filter": {
"input": "$responses",
"as": "res",
"cond": {
"$eq": [ "$$res.question", "How old are you?" ]
"as": "res",
"in": "$$res.response"
"car": {
"$arrayElemAt": [
{ "$map": {
"input": { "$filter": {
"input": "$responses",
"as": "res",
"cond": {
"$eq": [ "$$res.question", "What is the brand of your car?" ]
"as": "res",
"in": "$$res.response"
"count": { "$sum": 1 }

在早期版本中,您需要 $unwind内容,然后通过 $cond 有条件地选择所需的响应值:

{ "$match": {
"responses.question": {
"$all": [
"How old are you?",
"What is the brand of your car?"
{ "$unwind": "$responses" },
{ "$match": {
"responses.question": {
"$in": [
"How old are you?",
"What is the brand of your car?"
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"age": {
"$max": {
"$cond": [
{ "$eq": [ "$responses.question", "How old are you?" ] },
vô giá trị
"car": {
"$max": {
"$cond": [
{ "$eq": [ "$responses.question", "What is the brand of your car?" ] },
vô giá trị
{ "$group": {
"_id": {
"age": "$age",
"car": "$car"
"count": { "$sum": 1 }


{ "_id" : { "age" : "41-65 yrs", "car" : "Volvo" }, "count" : 2 }
{ "_id" : { "age" : "18-40 yrs", "car" : "Volvo" }, "count" : 1 }
{ "_id" : { "age" : "18-40 yrs", "car" : "Fiat" }, "count" : 1 }

关于mongodb - 对数组中的不同对象值进行分组?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36721033/

hai mươi bốn 4 0
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