我收到下面的错误,说有堆栈溢出。发生这种情况是因为带有 IN (id, id, id...id)
的 SQL 语句有大量参数。有没有什么办法解决这一问题?这是在我使用 Eclipse 的本地环境中发生的。
@Query(value="SELECT p FROM PendingCourseRegistration p WHERE p.sisId IN ?1 AND p.testId = ?2")
List findPendingCourseRegistrationInSisIdsAndTestId(List sisIds, Long testID);
sai lầm
java.lang.StackOverflowError: null
at java.lang.Abstract witingBuilder.append(AbstractStringBuilder.java:416) ~[na:1.7.0_17]
at java.lang.StringBuffer.append(StringBuffer.java:237) ~[na:1.7.0_17]
at antlr.BaseAST.toStringList(BaseAST.java:341) ~[antlr-2.7.7.jar:na]
at antlr.BaseAST.toStringList(BaseAST.java:347) ~[antlr-2.7.7.jar:na]
at antlr.BaseAST.toStringList(BaseAST.java:347) ~[antlr-2.7.7.jar:na]
at antlr.BaseAST.toStringList(BaseAST.java:347) ~[antlr-2.7.7.jar:na]
hibernate 查询
2:26.763 [ocPifScheduler-1] DEBUG o.s.o.j.SharedEntityManagerCreator$SharedEntityManagerInvocationHandler - Creating new EntityManager for shared EntityManager invocation
09:52:26.788 [Scheduler-1] DEBUG org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl - parse() - HQL: SELECT p FROM com.test.PendingCourseRegistration p WHERE p.sisId IN (:x10_, :x11_, :x12_, :x13_, :x14_, :x15_, :x16_, :x17_, :x18_, :x19_, :x110_, :x111_, :x112_, :x113_, :x114_, :x115_, :x116_, :x117_, :x118_, :x119_, ...:xN) AND p.id = ?2
09:52:26.891 [Scheduler-1] DEBUG org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl - --- HQL AST ---
\-[QUERY] Node: 'query'
| +-[FROM] Node: 'FROM'
| | \-[RANGE] Node: 'RANGE'
| | +-[DOT] Node: '.'
| | | +-[DOT] Node: '.'
| | | | +-[DOT] Node: '.'
| | | | | +-[DOT] Node: '.'
| | | | | | +-[DOT] Node: '.'
| | | | | | | +-[DOT] Node: '.'
| | | | | | | | +-[IDENT] Node: 'com'
| | | | \-[IDENT] Node: 'model'
| | | \-[IDENT] Node: 'PendingCourseRegistration'
| | \-[ALIAS] Node: 'p'
| \-[SELECT] Node: 'SELECT'
| \-[IDENT] Node: 'p'
\-[WHERE] Node: 'WHERE'
\-[AND] Node: 'AND'
+-[IN] Node: 'in'
| +-[DOT] Node: '.'
| | +-[IDENT] Node: 'p'
| | \-[IDENT] Node: 'sisId'
| \-[IN_LIST] Node: 'inList'
| +-[COLON] Node: ':'
| | \-[IDENT] Node: 'x10_'
| +-[COLON] Node: ':'
| | \-[IDENT] Node: 'x11_'
| +-[COLON] Node: ':'
| | \-[IDENT] Node: 'x12_'
| +-[COLON] Node: ':'
| | \-[IDENT] Node: 'x13_'
| +-[COLON] Node: ':'
| | \-[IDENT] Node: 'x14_'
| +-[COLON] Node: ':'
| | \-[IDENT] Node: 'x15_'
| +-[COLON] Node: ':'
| | \-[IDENT] Node: 'x16_'
| +-[COLON] Node: ':'
| | \-[IDENT] Node: 'x17_'
在我们使用 Hibernate 4.3.1.Final 的 Grails 项目 (2.3.6) 中,我们从未遇到过该错误,但由于查询缓冲区大小 限制,我们遇到了另一个错误:
由于您正在使用 in (?, ..., ?)
您编写的 ?,
与列表中的项目一样多,这意味着对于大list(说 50000)你可能写了一个 100000 个字符的查询,你可能有这个异常(这里有 pgSQL 驱动程序):
Foobar.executeQuery("select f from Foobar f where f.id in (:ids)",
[ids: 1L..100000L]); // Groovy way of creating a list of 100000 items.
sai lầm:
SqlExceptionHelper:146 - An I/O error occured while sending to the backend.
SqlExceptionHelper:146 - This connection has been closed.
要么将您的 id 列表拆分为更小的列表(例如 500 项左右)并手动合并结果,这比您使用的默认 spring-data 要做更多的工作。
要么将 id 列表存储到一个临时表中(使用 JPA 可能会证明这是一项痛苦的任务)。临时表将是 (key, sids) 的元组。您将生成一个临时 key (用于 session ),使用该 key 将 ID 批量插入到该表中,刷新以便 hibernate 将更改推送到数据库中,使用该表使用子查询(p.sidIds in(选择sisIds from IdTable where key = ?1)
), 从该表中删除数据。虽然这是一项痛苦的任务,但它可能会提高性能。
Tôi là một lập trình viên xuất sắc, rất giỏi!