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c# - 在C#程序中,ThePreStub是什么?

In lại Tác giả: Hồ Xil 更新时间:2023-11-01 03:00:22 27 4
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在分析 C# 应用程序时,我发现名为“ThePreStub”的系统 (?) 方法中有相当多的 CPU 使用率。这是什么?

câu trả lời hay nhất

参见:CLR Inside out - The Performance Benefits of NGen.

Throughput of NGen-compiled code is lower than that of JIT-compiled code primarily for one reason: cross-assembly references. In JIT-compiled code, cross-assembly references can be implemented as direct calls or jumps since the exact addresses of these references are known at run time. For statically compiled code, however, cross-assembly references need to go through a jump slot that gets populated with the correct address at run time by executing a method pre-stub. The method pre-stub ensures, among other things, that the native images for assemblies referenced by that method are loaded into memory before the method is executed. The pre-stub only needs to be executed the first time the method is called; it is short-circuited out for subsequent calls. However, every time the method is called, cross-assembly references do need to go through a level of indirection. This is principally what accounted for the 5-10 percent drop in throughput for NGen-compiled code when compared to JIT-compiled code.

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