sách gpt4 ai đã đi

sockets - 如何检查 luasocket 库中的套接字是否关闭?

In lại 作者:可可西里 更新时间:2023-11-01 02:32:12 25 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

我正在用Lua编程语言写一个服务器,网络层是基于LuaSocket .

而且我在其引用手册中找不到任何检测套接字是否关闭的方法,除非尝试从中读取数据(调用时它将返回 nil 和字符串 'close')。


local socket = require 'socket'
local server = socket.tcp()
local port = 9527

server:bind('*', port)
local status, errorMessage = server:listen()
if status == 1 then
printf('Server is launched successfully on port %u', port)
printf('Server listen failed, error message is %s', errorMessage)
trở lại
kết thúc

local sockets = {server}

while true do
local results = socket.select(sockets)
for _, sock in ipairs(results) do
if sock == server then
local s = server:accept()

callback('Connected', s)
table.insert(sockets, s)

printf('%s connected', s:getsockname())
-- trying to detect socket is closed
if sock:isClosed() then
callback('Disconnected', sock)

for i, s in ipairs(sockets) do
if s == sock then
table.remove(sockets, i)
phá vỡ
kết thúc
kết thúc

printf('%s disconnected', sock:getsockname())
callback('ReadyRead', sock)
kết thúc
kết thúc
kết thúc
kết thúc

1 Câu trả lời

except by just try to read data from it (it will return nil and string 'close' when calling that).


您需要使用 settimeout 使调用成为非阻塞的,并检查为 closed(còn hơn là close)返回的错误。您可以读取一个字节并存储它,也可以尝试读取零字节。

关于sockets - 如何检查 luasocket 库中的套接字是否关闭?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16054394/

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