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Android 设备指南/要求

In lại 作者:搜寻专家 更新时间:2023-11-01 08:17:12 30 4
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Android 设备是否有任何要求/指南?例如按钮数量或所需的最少按钮数量。



câu trả lời hay nhất

Are there any requirements/guidelines for an Android device? like numbers of buttons or minimum buttons required.

是的。这些记录在 Compatibility Definition Document ở giữa.

Also are there any android devices which do not have the menu and back buttons?

这取决于您如何定义“按钮”和“Android 设备”。引自 CDD(见上面的链接):

The Home, Menu and Back functions are essential to the Android navigation paradigm. Device implementations MUST make these functions available to the user at all times, regardless of application state. These functions SHOULD be implemented via dedicated buttons. They MAY be implemented using software, gestures, touch panel, etc., but if so they MUST be always accessible and not obscure or interfere with the available application display area.

有些设备没有专用的屏幕外按钮(无论是物理的还是触敏的屏幕外点)。 ARCHOS 5 Android 平板电脑就是其中之一——它在展开的标题栏中有主页和返回按钮。但是,不清楚 Google 是否认为他们已经满足 CDD,因为 ARCHOS 没有 Android Market。缺少 Market 的设备可能不符合 CDD。

因此,完全有可能创建不符合 CDD 的设备,但在这一点上,Android 基本上只是另一种嵌入式操作系统,恕我直言。

关于Android 设备指南/要求,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2996404/

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