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java - JAVA:子类,自学测试,类(class)作业,作业

In lại 作者:搜寻专家 更新时间:2023-11-01 02:55:41 28 4
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阿巴拉契亚州立大学CS的Cindy Norris教授)







L1添加r s1 s2 -添加寄存器s1和s2的内容,并将结果存储在寄存器r中。

L1 sub r s1 s2 -从s1的内容中减去寄存器s2的内容,并将结果存储在寄存器r中。

L1 mul s1 s2 -将寄存器s1和s2的内容相乘,并将结果存储在寄存器r中。

L1 div r s1 s2 -将寄存器s1的内容除以(寄存器s2的内容)(Java整数除法)并将结果存储在寄存器r中。

L1 out s1 -在Java控制台上打印寄存器s1的内容(使用println)。

L1 lin r x -将整数x存储在寄存器r中。

L1 bnz s1 L2 如果寄存器s1的内容不为零,则使标记为L2的语句成为下一个要执行的语句。


L1是任何标识符,实际上是任何非空白字符序列。程序的每个语句必须用不同的标识符标记。 s1,s2和r中的每一个都是0..31范围内的整数,并且引用执行语言MML的计算机中32个寄存器之一。这是一个用于计算阶乘6的MML程序的示例。请注意,指令的相邻字段(标签,操作码和操作数)由空格分隔。

f0 lin 20 6
f1 lin 21 1
f2 lin 22 1
f3 mul 21 21 20
f4 sub 20 20 22
f5 bnz 20 f3
f6 out 21


  • 从用户获取包含程序
  • 的文件的名称
  • 从文件中读取程序并将其转换为内部格式
  • 打印程序
  • 执行程序,然后
  • 打印寄存器的最终值。

  • Machine.java
    nhập java.util.*;

    // The machine language interpreter
    public class Machine {
    // The labels in the MML program, in the order in which
    // they appear (are defined) in the program
    private Labels labels= new Labels();

    // The MML program, consisting of prog.size() instructions, each
    // of class Instruction (or one of its subclasses)
    private Vector prog= new Vector();

    // The registers of the MML machine
    private Registers registers;

    // The program counter; it contains the index (in prog) of
    // the next instruction to be executed.
    private int PC= 0;

    public static void main (String[] pars) {

    Machine m= new Machine();
    Translator.readAndTranslate(m.labels, m.prog);

    System.out.println("Here is the program; it has " +
    m.prog.size() + " instructions.");

    System.out.println("Beginning program execution.");
    System.out.println("Ending program execution.");

    System.out.println("Values of registers at program termination:");
    System.out.println(m.registers + ".");
    Hệ thống. thoát(0);

    // Print the program
    public void print() {
    for (int i= 0; i != prog.size(); i++) {
    System.out.println((Instruction) prog.elementAt(i));

    // Execute the program in prog, beginning at instruction 0.
    // Precondition: the program and its labels have been store properly.
    public void execute() {
    PC= 0;
    registers= new Registers();
    while (PC < prog.size()) {
    Instruction ins= (Instruction)prog.elementAt(PC);
    PC= PC+1;

    // = the registers of this machine
    public Registers getRegisters() {
    return registers;

    // = the labels of this machine
    public Labels getLabels() {
    return labels;

    // Set the program counter to pc
    public void setPC(int pc) {
    PC= pc;

    import java.io.*;
    nhập java.util.*;
    nhập javax.swing.*;

    // The translator of a small program. All the fields and methods are static.
    public class Translator {
    private static BufferedReader br; // Reader attached to the file chosen by the user

    // word + line is the part of the current line that's not yet processed
    // word has no whitespace
    // If word and line are not empty, line begins with whitespace
    private static String line="";
    private static String word="";

    private static Labels labels; // The labels of the program being translated
    private static Vector program; // The program to be created

    // Obtain a file name from the user and translate the
    // small program in that file into lab (the labels) and
    // prog (the program)
    // return "no errors were detected"
    public static boolean readAndTranslate(Labels lab, Vector prog) {
    thử {
    } catch(IOException ioE) {
    System.out.println("Sai: IO error to start " );
    trả về false;
    labels= lab;
    program= prog;

    try { line = br.readLine();
    catch (IOException ioE) {
    trả về false;

    // Each iteration processes line and reads the next line into line
    while (line != null) {
    // Store the label in label
    String label= scan();

    if (label.length() > 0) {

    Instruction ins= getInstruction(label);
    if ( ins != null ) {

    try { line = br.readLine();
    catch (IOException ioE) {
    trả về false;

    trả về giá trị đúng;

    // line should consist of an MML instruction, with its label already
    // removed. Translate line into an instruction with label label
    // and return the instruction
    public static Instruction getInstruction(String label) {
    int s1; // Possible operands of the instruction
    int s2;
    int r;
    số nguyên x;
    String L2;

    String ins= scan();
    if (line.equals("")) return null;

    if (ins.equals("add")) {
    r= scanInt();
    s1= scanInt();
    s2= scanInt();
    return new AddInstruction(label, r, s1, s2);

    // You will have to write code here for the other instructions.

    trả về giá trị null;

    // Display a JFileChooser and set br to a reader for the file chosen
    private static void getReader() throws IOException {
    JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser("C:\\Windows\\Desktop\\compiler\\test0.txt");
    chooser.setDialogTitle("Choose the File that contains the MML program to be executed");
    br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(chooser.getSelectedFile()));

    // Return the first word of line and remove it from line.
    // If there is no word, return ""
    public static String scan() {
    line= line.trim();
    if (line.length() == 0)
    { return ""; }
    int i= 0;
    while (i < line.length() &&
    line.charAt(i) != ' ' &&
    line.charAt(i) != '\t') {
    i= i+1;
    word= line.substring(0,i);
    line= line.substring(i);
    return word;

    // Return the first word of line as an integer. If there is
    // any error, return the maximum int
    public static int scanInt() {
    String word= scan();
    if (word.length() == 0)
    { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; }

    thử {
    return Integer.parseInt(word);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    return Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    nhập java.util.*;

    // An instance contains a list of Strings, called "labels",
    // in the order in which they were added to the list.
    public class Labels {
    private Vector labels= new Vector();

    // Constructor: an empty list of labels
    public Labels() {

    // Add label lab to this list and return its number in the list
    // (the first one added is number 0)
    // Precondition: the list has at most 49 entries
    public int addLabel(String lab) {
    return labels.size()-1;

    // = the number of label lab in the list
    // (= -1 if lab is not in the list)
    public int indexOf(String lab) {

    // invariant: lab is not in labels[0..i-1]
    for (int i= 0; i != labels.size(); i++) {
    if (lab.equals((String)(labels.elementAt(i)))) {
    return i;
    trả về -1;

    // representation of this instance, "(label 0, label 1, ..., label (n-1))"
    công khai String toString() {
    String r= "(";
    // invariant: r contains the representation for labels[0..i-1]
    // (with the opening "(" but no closing ")")
    for (int i= 0; i != labels.size(); i++) {
    if (i == 0) {
    r= r + (String)(labels.elementAt(i));
    } khác {
    r= r + ", " + (String)(labels.elementAt(i));
    r= r + ")";
    return r;

    // Set the number of elements in the list to 0
    công khai void reset() {

    // An instance contains 31 registers and methods to access
    // and change them
    public class Registers {
    private int registers[]= new int[31];

    // Constructor: an instance whose registers are set to 0
    public Registers() {
    for (int i= 0; i != registers.length; i++) {
    registers[i]= 0;

    // = the value in register i.
    // Precondition: 0 <= i < 32
    public int getRegister(int i) {
    return registers[i];

    // Set register i to v.
    // Precondition: 0 <= i < 32
    public void setRegister(int i, int v) {
    registers[i]= v;

    // = a representation of the registers,
    // "(reg 0, reg 1, ..., reg 31)"
    công khai String toString() {
    String r= "(" + registers[0];
    // invariant: r contains the representation for registers[0..i-1]
    // (with the opening "(" but no closing ")")
    for (int i= 1; i != registers.length; i++) {
    r= r + ", " + registers[i];
    r= r + ")";
    return r;

    // This class is the superclass of the classes for machine instructions
    public abstract class Instruction {

    // Constructor: an instruction with label l and opcode op
    // (op must be an operation of the language)
    public Instruction(String l, String op) {

    // = the representation "label: opcode" of this Instruction
    công khai String toString() {
    return "";

    // Execute this instruction on machine m.
    public abstract void execute(Machine m);

    câu trả lời hay nhất


    public class AddInstruction implements Instruction{

    public AddInstruction(String l, int r, int s1, int s2) {
    // Store the stuff passed in

    public void execute(Machine m) {
    Registers reg = m.getRegisters();
    reg.setRegister(r, reg.getRegister(s1) + reg.getRegister(s2));

    关于java - JAVA:子类,自学测试,类(class)作业,作业,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2136712/

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