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c# - 来自 xunit MemberData 函数的静态数据被计算两次

In lại 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 23:19:57 24 4
mua khóa gpt4 giày nike

我在计算两次 C# Xunit 测试中来自静态类的计算数据时遇到了一些问题。


在下面的代码中,我有一个随机生成的、延迟加载的 số nguyên 种子从当前时间开始。

我在这里测试的只是这个属性等于它自己。我通过 MemberData 函数将属性的值插入到测试中。

由于属性应该只被初始化一次,我希望这个测试应该总是通过。我希望静态字段会在 RandomIntMemberData 函数运行时被初始化,并且再也不会。



我是不是误解了什么,或者 Xunit 在幕后做了一些奇怪的魔术来设置它的输入数据,然后在实际运行测试时再次初始化该值?


public static class TestRandoIntStaticClass
private static readonly Lazy LazyRandomInt = new Lazy(() =>
// lazily initialize a random interger seeded off of the current time
// according to readings, this should happen only once
return new Random((int) DateTime.Now.Ticks).Next();

// according to readings, this should be a thread safe operation
public static int RandomInt => LazyRandomInt.Value;

Bài kiểm tra

public class TestClass
public static IEnumerable RandomIntMemberData()
var randomInt = new List
new object[] {TestRandoIntStaticClass.RandomInt},

return randomInt as IEnumerable;

public void RandoTest(int rando)
// these two ought to be equal if TestRandoIntStaticClass.RandomInt is only initialized once
Assert.True(rando == TestRandoIntStaticClass.RandomInt,
$"{nameof(rando)} = {rando} but {nameof(TestRandoIntStaticClass.RandomInt)} = {TestRandoIntStaticClass.RandomInt}");

câu trả lời hay nhất

在测试发现时,Visual Studio Xunit 控制台运行器创建 AppDomain,其中包含所有属性(如 MemberData、ClassData、DataAttribute)的测试数据,因此所有数据在构建后仅保存在内存中(这也是 XUnit 要求类可序列化的原因).


namespace XUnitTestProject1
public class TestClass
public static IEnumerable RandomIntMemberData()
var randomInt = new List
new object[]
return randomInt;

public void RandoTest(int rando)
// these two ought to be equal if TestRandoIntStaticClass.RandomInt is only initialized once
Assert.True(rando == TestRandoIntStaticClass.RandomInt, $"{nameof(rando)} = {rando} but {nameof(TestRandoIntStaticClass.RandomInt)} = {TestRandoIntStaticClass.RandomInt}");


public static class TestRandoIntStaticClass
private static readonly Lazy LazyRandomInt = new Lazy(() =>
{ // lazily initialize a random interger seeded off of the current time
// according to readings, this should happen only once
var randomValue = new Random((int) DateTime.Now.Ticks).Next();

File.AppendAllText(@"D:\var\log.txt", $"Call TestRandoIntStaticClass {randomValue}; ThreadId {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId} " + Environment.NewLine);
return randomValue;

public static int RandomInt => LazyRandomInt.Value; // according to readings, this should be a thread safe operation


> Call TestRandoIntStaticClass 1846311153; ThreadId 11  
> Call TestRandoIntStaticClass 1007825738; ThreadId 14


rando = 1846311153 but RandomInt = 1007825738
Expected: True
Actual: False

但是,如果您使用 dotnet test 将会成功,因为“数据生成”和测试运行将在一个进程上启动

关于c# - 来自 xunit MemberData 函数的静态数据被计算两次,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53071355/

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