sách gpt4 ăn đã đi

c# - xác thực thông thạo: đặt thông báo tùy chỉnh khi xác thực tùy chỉnh

In lại 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 17:48:04 28 4
mua khóa gpt4 giày nike

bối cảnh


public class OrderValidator : BaseValidator

private string CustomInfo { get; set; }

public OrderValidator()
//here I call the custom validation method and I try to add the CustomInfo string in the message
RuleFor(order => order.ShippingCost).Cascade(CascadeMode.StopOnFirstFailure).NotNull().Must(
(order, shippingCost) => CheckOrderShippingCost(order, shippingCost)
).WithMessage("{PropertyName} not set or not correct: {PropertyValue}." + (String.IsNullOrEmpty(CustomInfo) ? "" : " " + CustomInfo));

//this is the custom validation method
private bool CheckOrderShippingCost(Order o, decimal shippingCost)
bool res = false;

* check the actual shippingCost and set the res value
catch (Exception ex)
CustomInfo = ex.ToString();
res = false;

trả về res;

如果出现异常,我将异常信息存储到 CustomInfo 私有(private)成员中,并将其添加到验证消息中。


OrderValidator oVal = new OrderValidator();
oVal.Results = oVal.Validate(order);
if (!oVal.Results.IsValid)
oVal.Results.Errors.ForEach(delegate(ValidationFailure error) {

câu hỏi

一切正常,在异常情况下 CustomInfo 被正确设置为 ex.ToString() 值。但最终显示在控制台中的错误消息并没有显示 CustomInfo,而是只显示了消息的第一部分:

      "Shipping Cost not set or not correct: 5.9"

câu hỏi


câu trả lời hay nhất



.WithMessage("{PropertyName} not set or not correct: {PropertyValue}. {0}", order => order.CustomInfo);

这将要求您的 CustomInfo 在 Order 类级别,而不是您的验证器类

biên tập


public static class OrderExtensions
private static IDictionary customErrorMessages;

public static void SetError(this Order order, string message) {
if (customErrorMessages == null) {
customErrorMessages = new Dictionary();
if (customErrorMessages.ContainsKey(order)) {
customErrorMessages[order] = message;
trở lại;
customErrorMessages.Add(order, message);

public static string GetError(this Order order) {
if (customErrorMessages == null || !customErrorMessages.ContainsKey(order)) {
return string.Empty;
return customErrorMessages[order];


public class OrderValidator : BaseValidator
public OrderValidator()
//here I call the custom validation method and I try to add the CustomInfo string in the message
RuleFor(order => order.ShippingCost).Cascade(CascadeMode.StopOnFirstFailure).NotNull().Must(
(order, shippingCost) => CheckOrderShippingCost(order, shippingCost)
).WithMessage("{PropertyName} not set or not correct: {PropertyValue}. {0}", order => order.GetError()));

//this is the custom validation method
private bool CheckOrderShippingCost(Order o, decimal shippingCost)
bool res = false;

* check the actual shippingCost and set the res value
catch (Exception ex)
res = false;
trả về res;

关于c# - 流利验证 : set custom message on custom validation,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25135658/

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