sách gpt4 ăn đã đi

c - 在 fscanf() 中使用 []

In lại 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 17:18:08 24 4
mua khóa gpt4 giày nike




int chính()
char name[1024] = {0};
FILE *file = fopen("file.txt", "r");

trong khi(1)
if (fscanf(file, " %[\",]s ", name) == EOF)
phá vỡ;
if (fscanf(file, " %[a-zA-Z]s ", name) == EOF)
phá vỡ;

printf("%s\n", name);

trả về 0;


int chính()
char name[1024] = {0}, garbage[5];
FILE *file = fopen("file.txt", "r");

trong khi(1)
if (fscanf(file, " %[\",]s%[a-zA-Z]s ", garbage, name) == EOF)
phá vỡ;

printf("%s\n", name);

trả về 0;

我正在使用 MSVC++ 08。我缺少什么?我正在寻找在 trong khi 循环中使用单个 fscanf() giải pháp.

câu trả lời hay nhất



" %[\",]s "
^= optionally skip whitespace
^== read a literal 's'
^^^^^^=== read an unlimited string of quotes and commas
^========= optionally skip whitespace

" %[a-zA-Z]s "
^= optionally skip whitespace
^== read a literal 's'
^^^^^^^^^=== read an unlimited string of letters
^============ optionally skip whitespace

" %[\",]s%[a-zA-Z]s "
^= optionally skip whitespace
^== read a literal 's'
^^^^^^^^^=== read an unlimited string of letters
^============ read a literal 's'
^^^^^^============= read an unlimited string of quotes and commas
^=================== optionally skip whitespace


" %4[\",]%1023[a-zA-Z] "
^= optionally skip whitespace
^^^^^^^^^^^^^== read a string of at most 1023 letters
^^^^^^^=============== read a string of at most 4 quotes and commas
^====================== optionally skip whitespace

bên cạnh đó,quét 返回成功转换的次数或出错时返回 EOF。当您应该与 1(或 2,或其他)进行比较时,您正在将结果值与 EOF 进行比较:与您期望的转化次数进行比较。

if (scanf() == 3) /* expected 3 conversions */
{ /* ok */ }
else { /* oops, something went wrong */ }

关于c - 在 fscanf() 中使用 [],我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3981958/

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