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html - 未应用 HTML5 "article"标记上的第一个子项和第 n 个子项选择器

In lại 作者:太空狗 更新时间:2023-10-29 14:41:57 25 4
mua khóa gpt4 giày nike

我在 HTML5 上使用一些 CSS2 和 CSS3 选择器



/* Working as expected: */
div.wrapper p:first-child { color: red; }
div.wrapper p:nth-child(even) { color: fuchsia; }

/* NOT working as expected: */
div.wrapper article:nth-child(1) { color: blue; }
div.wrapper article:first-child { color: green; }

/* Working as expected: */
div.wrapper article:last-child { color: gold; }

P1, expected "color: red"

P2, expected "color: fuchsia"

P3, expected no css applied

P4, expected "color: fuchsia"

Article 1, expected "color: green" and/or "color: blue" ← not working as expected...

Article 2, expected "color: gold"

然后我的问题是:为什么 nth-child(n) 不会和 first-child

上的选择器标签有用吗?甚至更奇怪:đứa con cuối cùng选择器确实有效。我在 FF4、IE9 和 Chrome11 中测试,结果都是一样的。



câu trả lời hay nhất


tag 是第五个标签。同样适用于 nth-child(n) .它与同一类型的兄弟标签无关,而是与所有兄弟标签相关。来自 W3C:

The :nth-child(an+b) pseudo-class notation represents an element that has an+b-1 siblings before it in the document tree, for any positive integer or zero value of n, and has a parent element.


关于html - 未应用 HTML5 "article"标记上的第一个子项和第 n 个子项选择器,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6256372/

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