sách gpt4 ăn đã đi

user-interface - 如何将Widget注入(inject)自定义子Widget并使用子Widgets迭代索引?

In lại 作者:IT王子 更新时间:2023-10-29 06:33:33 24 4
mua khóa gpt4 giày nike

我正在构建一个 flutter 应用程序。我已经构建了一个带有构造函数的类。我制作了构造函数,因此我可以自定义我的 ListTile,因为我将此类用于多个页面,每次我都需要更改文本颜色,有时甚至添加一个 onTap 函数。

class AppList extends StatefulWidget {

@ghi đè
AppListState createState() => AppListState();

AppList({Key key, this.child}) : super(key: key);

final Widget child;


class AppListState extends State {

Widget child;

List<>> _installedApps;

@ghi đè
initState không có giá trị() {

getApps() {
setState(() {
installedApps = _installedApps;

@ghi đè
Xây dựng tiện ích (BuildContext context) {

if (installedApps == null)

return ListView.builder(
itemCount: installedApps == null ? 0 : installedApps.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return child; //This is where the ListTile will go.


//Just in case you were confused, I used a plugin for some of the features



class Example extends StatefulWidget {

@ghi đè
ExampleState createState() => ExampleState();


class ExampleState extends State {

@ghi đè
Xây dựng tiện ích (BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp (
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: sai,
home: Scaffold (
body: Container (
màu sắc: Màu sắc.đen,
child: AppList (
child: ListTile (
title: Text(installedApps[index]["app_name"]) //this is the text


然后,我在其中添加了一个 ListTile 和一个文本。但是当我在写文字时,我意识到我无法输入我想要的文字。这是因为 Example 类中没有定义 'index'。


Mã hoàn chỉnh:

nhập 'gói:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';

import 'dart:async';
nhập 'phi tiêu: io';

import 'package:flutter_appavailability/flutter_appavailability.dart';

hàm main() {

Future getApp() async {

if (Platform.isAndroid) {

installedApps = await AppAvailability.getInstalledApps();

print(await AppAvailability.checkAvailability("com.android.chrome"));

print(await AppAvailability.isAppEnabled("com.android.chrome"));

else if (Platform.isIOS) {
installedApps = iOSApps;

print(await AppAvailability.checkAvailability("calshow://"));



List<>> installedApp;
List<>> installedApps;
List<>> iOSApps = [
"app_name": "Calendar",
"package_name": "calshow://"
"app_name": "Facebook",
"package_name": "fb://"
"app_name": "Whatsapp",
"package_name": "whatsapp://"

class Example extends StatefulWidget {

@ghi đè
ExampleState createState() => ExampleState();


class ExampleState extends State {

@ghi đè
Xây dựng tiện ích (BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp (
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: sai,
home: Scaffold (
body: Container (
màu sắc: Màu sắc.đen,
child: AppList ()


class AppList extends StatefulWidget {

@ghi đè
AppListState createState() => AppListState();

AppList({Key key, this.child}) : super(key: key);

final Widget child;


class AppListState extends State {

Widget child;

List<>> _installedApps;

@ghi đè
initState không có giá trị() {

getApps() {
setState(() {
installedApps = _installedApps;

@ghi đè
Xây dựng tiện ích (BuildContext context) {

if (installedApps == null)

return ListView.builder(
itemCount: installedApps == null ? 0 : installedApps.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return ListTile (
title: Text(installedApps[index]["app_name"])


câu trả lời hay nhất

您可以传递一个 builder 函数,而不是将 Widget 传递给您的自定义 AppList,该函数返回一个 Widget 并根据需要获取参数,例如索引和所需的任何配置。类似于以下内容:


typedef Widget MyListTileBuilder(int index);


final Widget child;


final MyListTileBuilder childBuilder;


Widget MyListTileBuilderImplementation (int index) {
return ListTile (
title: Text(installedApps[index]["app_name"]) //this is the text

当您在示例类中构建 AppList 时,您将传递该方法

AppList (
childBuilder: MyListTileBuilderImplementation

最后在 AppList 中调用构建器,而不是添加子小部件:

    itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return childBuilder(index); //This is where the ListTile will go.


nhập 'gói:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';

import 'dart:async';
nhập 'phi tiêu: io';

//import 'package:flutter_appavailability/flutter_appavailability.dart';

typedef Widget MyListTileBuilder(int index);

hàm main() {

Future getApp() async {

if (Platform.isAndroid) {

//installedApps = await AppAvailability.getInstalledApps();

//print(await AppAvailability.checkAvailability("com.android.chrome"));

//print(await AppAvailability.isAppEnabled("com.android.chrome"));

else if (Platform.isIOS) {
installedApps = iOSApps;

//print(await AppAvailability.checkAvailability("calshow://"));



List<>> installedApp;
List<>> installedApps=[
List<>> iOSApps = [
"app_name": "Calendar",
"package_name": "calshow://"
"app_name": "Facebook",
"package_name": "fb://"
"app_name": "Whatsapp",
"package_name": "whatsapp://"

class Example extends StatefulWidget {

@ghi đè
ExampleState createState() => ExampleState();


class ExampleState extends State {

Widget MyListTileBuilderImplementation (int index) {
return ListTile (
title: Text(installedApps[index]["app_name"] + " index:" + index.toString()) //this is the text

@ghi đè
Xây dựng tiện ích (BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp (
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: sai,
home: Scaffold (
body: Container (
màu sắc: Màu sắc.trắng,
child: AppList (childBuilder: this.MyListTileBuilderImplementation)


class AppList extends StatefulWidget {

@ghi đè
AppListState createState() => AppListState();

AppList({Key key, this.childBuilder}) : super(key: key);

final MyListTileBuilder childBuilder;


class AppListState extends State {

List<>> _installedApps;

@ghi đè
initState không có giá trị() {

getApps() {
setState(() {
installedApps = _installedApps;

@ghi đè
Xây dựng tiện ích (BuildContext context) {

if (installedApps == null)

return ListView.builder(
itemCount: installedApps == null ? 0 : installedApps.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return widget.childBuilder(index);


关于user-interface - 如何将Widget注入(inject)自定义子Widget并使用子Widgets迭代索引?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54035219/

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