sách gpt4 ăn đã đi

mysql - 鬼博客的sqlite vs mysql?

In lại Tác giả: IT Lão Cao 更新时间:2023-10-28 23:20:13 24 4
mua khóa gpt4 giày nike

我目前正在我的服务器上设置 ghost。我将主持自己的博客,可能还会为我的 friend 们开设更多博客。

Ghost 默认使用 sqlite。 Sqlite 适用于小型应用程序和开发环境。

如果 ghost 运行良好,我计划将我的博客运行至少 1 到 2 年或更长时间。博客包含大量图像和文本。随着时间的推移,sqlite 数据库会随着越来越多的图像等而增长。

为了这个目的使用 sqlite 几年可以吗? MySQL 会更强大,但设置起来也更复杂。

什么是 Ghost 博客的最佳选择?

câu trả lời hay nhất


SQLite documentation说:

SQLite usually will work great as the database engine for low to medium traffic websites (which is to say, 99.9% of all websites). The amount of web traffic that SQLite can handle depends, of course, on how heavily the website uses its database. Generally speaking, any site that gets fewer than 100K hits/day should work fine with SQLite. The 100K hits/day figure is a conservative estimate, not a hard upper bound. SQLite has been demonstrated to work with 10 times that amount of traffic.
But if your website is so busy that you are thinking of splitting the database component off onto a separate machine, then you should definitely consider using an enterprise-class client/server database engine instead of SQLite.

关于mysql - 鬼博客的sqlite vs mysql?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19661274/

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