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c++ - C++ 命名空间内的外部 "C"链接?

In lại Tác giả: IT Lão Cao 更新时间:2023-10-28 22:03:33 26 4
mua khóa gpt4 giày nike

namespace someNameSpace {
extern "C" void doSomething()

我想在 C++ 和 C 环境中运行 làmCái gì đó()

如果我将 someNameSpace 暴露给 extern "C" 链接,它是否仍在封装 làmCái gì đó()?

有没有一种好方法可以在 C++ 和 C 之间共享函数,同时避免污染 C++ 端的全局命名空间?

biên tập:因为这段代码主要用于C++模式,而C链接仅供测试使用,我想这是一个更好的方法。

namespace someNameSpace {
extern "C"
extern "C++"
#kết thúc nếu
void doSomething()

câu trả lời hay nhất

您的代码有效,但您应该注意所有具有 extern "C" 链接的函数共享相同的 namespace ,但不要与 C++ 的“ namespace ”概念混淆: 你的函数确实是 someNameSpace::doSomething,但你不能在任何其他命名空间中拥有任何其他具有非限定名称 doSomething của extern "C" 函数.

参见 7.5/6:

At most one function with a particular name can have C language linkage. Two declarations for a function with C language linkage with the same function name (ignoring the namespace names that qualify it) that appear in different namespace scopes refer to the same function. Two declarations for a variable with C language linkage with the same name (ignoring the namespace names that qualify it) that appear in different namespace scopes refer to the same variable. An entity with C language linkage shall not be declared with the same name as a variable in global scope, unless both declarations denote the same entity; no diagnostic is required if the declarations appear in different translation units. A variable with C language linkage shall not be declared with the same name as a function with C language linkage (ignoring the namespace names that qualify the respective names); no diagnostic is required if the declarations appear in different translation units. [Note: Only one definition for an entity with a given name with C language linkage may appear in the program (see 3.2); this implies that such an entity must not be defined in more than one namespace scope. — end note]


关于c++ - C++ 命名空间内的外部 "C"链接?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28996944/

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