sách gpt4 ăn đã đi

c++ - 无限 std::chrono::duration 对象合法吗?

In lại Tác giả: IT Lão Cao 更新时间:2023-10-28 12:58:13 26 4
mua khóa gpt4 giày nike


std::chrono::duration{ std::numeric_limits::infinity() };


我已经研究了 cppreference,但我发现讨论这个问题的唯一内容是 duration_cast 上的页面注意到:

Casting from a floating-point duration to an integer duration is subject to undefined behavior when the floating-point value is NaN, infinity, or too large to be representable by the target's integer type. Otherwise, casting to an integer duration is subject to truncation as with any static_cast to an integer type.


(我使用类型来表示“请在 X 秒内唤醒我”的方式,正无穷大是一个有用的标记来表示“我真的不在乎我什么时候醒来”)

câu trả lời hay nhất

giá trị infinitystd::chrono::duration算术运算符的行为将与您预期的一样。


[time.duration]sự định nghĩa Rep 上存在的条件对于 template std::chrono::durationgấp đôi被明确允许(根据 [time.duration]/2 ),没有不允许的特殊值:

Rep shall be an arithmetic type or a class emulating an arithmetic type.


[time.duration.arithmetic][time.duration.nonmemberdefine]hiện hữu khoảng thời gian 上定义算术运算符的行为.对于每个 operator♦并给出两个 khoảng thời giansự vật MỘTBgấp đôigiá trị Mộtb , A♦B效果为 a♦b将。例如 + :

In the function descriptions that follow, CD represents the return type of the function. CR(A, B) represents common_­type_­t.

constexpr common_type_t<>, duration>
operator+(const duration& lhs, const duration& rhs);

Trả về: CD(CD(lhs).count() + CD(rhs).count()).


const double infinity = std::numeric_limits::infinity();
std::chrono::duration inf{ infinity };
std::chrono::duration one{ 1.0 };
inf + one; // as if std::chrono::duration{ infinity + 1.0 };

关于c++ - 无限 std::chrono::duration 对象合法吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49527483/

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